


draft of user-manual

still waiting for 20 more people to
come by and post a comment, but
in the meantime, here's a draft of
the user-manual for the program:

as you will see, its name is "jaguar(ps)",
for "jaguar publishing system".  enjoy...

that's the "plain-text" master-file version.
in coming days, i'll post the e-books that
were automatically generated from that...




ok, it's may 1st.              :+)

we don't have 100 people yet,
but those of you who are here
can get started if you want to...

if you have a mac, go here:

download the two files which
you find there, and unzip 'em.


the first has a zip/unzip apps
for .epub.  the zip program is
a necessity for creating .epub.
unzip helps you tear apart an
existing .epub, to see how it
ticks, and reverse-engineer it,
actions which you might want
(or need) to perform at times.

for people on p.c., you'll need to
download the zip app from here:

for unzipping, all you need to do
is change the extension from .epub
to .zip, and then double-click it...
(the mac app just automates that.)


the second file at jaguarps.com/tools
checks an .epub file to see if it's "valid".

p.c. people can use this online site to
have that check performed for them:

(mac users can use that online site too,
of course, but it's quicker and easier to
run the program on your own machine.)
